Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction. This document outlines the terms and conditions governing the use of the GBS Customs website (the “Website”) for purchasing products.

2. Legal Agreement.

(a) By using the Website, you agree to the terms of this legally binding agreement between you (“you” or “your”) and GBS Customs, a GBS Customs LLC.

(b) The Effective Date of this Agreement is the date you first use the Website. If you do not agree to these terms, please stop using the Website. You must be at least 18 years old to accept this Agreement. By using the Website, you accept this Agreement and agree to be bound by its terms. You must use the Website as written, without changes. If you do not agree, do not use the Website. You confirm that you are of legal age to enter into this Agreement. GBS Customs and you are individually, a “party” and collectively, the “parties.”

(c) This Agreement also includes the Privacy Policy, which explains how GBS Customs collects and uses your information. Both the Agreement and the Privacy Policy should be read together. You can find the Privacy Policy link at the bottom of the Website.

3. Privacy Policy. Your use of the Website and purchase of products are governed by this Agreement and the Privacy Policy.

4. Terms and Termination. This Agreement starts on the Effective Date and ends when terminated. If either this Agreement or the Privacy Policy ends, the other will also end. You can terminate this Agreement by emailing us. GBS Customs can terminate this Agreement immediately for legal reasons or if you breach any provision. When terminated, all rights granted to you under this Agreement, including Website use, end. Certain sections of this Agreement survive termination.

5. Updates to this Agreement. GBS Customs can change the Website and this Agreement at any time. You are responsible for checking for changes. GBS Customs may offer upgrades and updates to the Website, and may add or remove Services or Products.

6. Prohibited Uses.

(a) You must use the Website and purchase Products for legal purposes only.

(b) You shall not use the Website or Products: (i) to harm, intimidate, embarrass, or threaten any person, (ii) for any illegal, libelous, obscene, or pornographic purpose, or (iii) in a way that breaks any laws, rules, or regulations.

(c) You cannot copy, modify, create derivative works, or reverse engineer GBS Customs’ Website, Products, or Intellectual Property. GBS Customs does not grant you any ownership rights in the Intellectual Property.